Monday, May 30, 2011

House Project #6: From dungeon to...slightly less scary

So we have a room off the side of our garage. No one seems to know what its intended purpose was. There has been mass speculation as to what its use is and what we should use it for.
-Grow room (there are multiple outlets half way down the wall and multiple places for lights from the ceiling. However, as we found out yesterday, none of the outlets actually work)
-Wine cellar (there's actually two vents that expose it to the outside as well as a window. Plus we already have a wine fridge...)
-Hobbies room (this is how it was staged when we looked at it. Complete with yoga mat, artist's easel and paintings hung on the wall)
-Vampire/zombie slayer training room (the room is actually quite long and narrow so would be good to practice the crossbow)
-Bad dog/child/guest room

While all ideas are interesting we are, at the moment, choosing to go down the boring path of using it for storage. (Although we did use it as a Kiwi kennel for a few days while workmen were in and out of the house and backyard.)

What to do?

Not sure if Kiwi approves...


  1. Grow room... in Berkeley...I'm shocked! The outlets are what would lead me to suspect as much.

  2. Except none of the outlets actually work!
