After a neighbor commented on the slightly-ness of our front yard (not in a mean way I assure you) I felt it was time to start cracking, I mean weeding!
Unfortunately I don't have any good before pictures but just imagine lots of weeds, dandelions, and 2-3ft tall grasses.
And now? Well there are still some weeds but it definitely looks a bit purtier:

A multicolor biddleia that I planted in the spring. I wasn't sure if it would flower this year but it seems to be doing just fine!

The petunias took a hard hit this year as our snail population was a voracious out of control horde. Once weeding commenced our street looking like quite the snail battlefield. I bet I could have gotten a pretty penny from a French restaurant. Escargot anyone?

These petunias near the front door faired better as they were planted post snail massacre. However the one iris bud that emerged was a tasty tasty treat for something.

The lavender flourished and an agapanthus was rescued from a hostile grass takeover.
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